\name{printMBCBOutput} \alias{printMBCBOutput} \title{MBCB - Model-Based Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray} \description{ This function is used to neatly output the values created by the other methods in the MBCB package.\cr } \usage{ printMBCBOutput(sig, average, rmaBool, npBool, mleBool, bayesBool, gmleBool, avgOutputFile, detailOutputFile) } \arguments{ \item{sig}{ A list corresponding to the backgrdoun-corrected signal values (as is generated by the mbcb.correct function). The list should have elements for all desired background correction methods named 'NP', 'RMA', 'Bayes', and/or 'MLE'. } \item{average}{ A list containing the average values (as is generated by the mbcb.correct function). The list should have elements for all desired background correction methods named 'NP', 'RMA', 'Bayes', and/or 'MLE'. } \item{npBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the non-parametric background correction values. } \item{rmaBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the RMA background correction values. } \item{mleBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the MLE background correction values. } \item{bayesBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the Bayes background correction values. } \item{gmleBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the GMLE background correction values. } \item{avgOutputFile}{ The \emph{base} file name to which suffixes and a file extension will be appended (i.e. 'C:/output'). These files will store the average values of each background correction method selected. } \item{detailOutputFile}{ The \emph{base} file name to which suffixes and a file extension will be appended (i.e. 'C:/output'). These files will store the background corrected intensities } } \value{ This function prints corresponding CSV files based on which background-correction methods were selected. } \seealso{ \code{\link{mbcb.main}} } \author{Yang Xie \email{ Yang.Xie@UTSouthwestern.edu}, Min Chen \email{ min.chen@phd.mccombs.utexas.edu}, Jeff Allen \email{ Jeffrey.Allen@UTSouthwestern.edu} } \keyword{ models }