\name{mbcb.parseFile} \alias{mbcb.parseFile} \title{MBCB - Model-Based Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray} \description{ This function is used to read the files provided into a format which will be usable by the MBCB package (data.frame).\cr } \usage{ mbcb.parseFile(sigFile, conFile, isRawBead = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{sigFile}{ The file-name (character string) representing the signal file. } \item{conFile}{ The file-name (character string) representing the control file. } \item{isRawBead}{A boolean value representing whether the input files are bead-level or bead-type. If the input is bead-level, set this value to True so that the raw bead-level values can be summarized to bead-type data.} } \value{ This function will return a list containing two data frames: \var{sig} and \var{con}. \describe{ \item{sig:}{Represents the signal file.} \item{con:}{Represents the negative control data.frame.} } } \note{ The input files should be tab-delimited files in the following form:\cr\cr \var{signal.txt}\cr \preformatted{ g.1 g.2 g.3 g.4 10181072_239_rc-S 160.3 776.4 135.8 407.7 10181072_290-S 138.1 219.8 122.1 142.4 ... ... ... ... ... } \var{neg-con.txt}\cr \preformatted{id g.1 g.2 g.3 g.4 50133 127 213.5 82 103 50315 232 295 143.5 156 ... ... ... ... ... } Note that both of these examples come from a test involving four trials. Your data could use whatever number you'd like. } \examples{ data(MBCBExpressionData) # Create files from the data provided in this package in the current # directory # Obviously, this is the opposite of what the function does, but we need to # write sample files for the sake of the demonstration # The signal and negative control files can be used by calling the above # command without the writing and reading of the data. write.table(expressionSignal, 'signal.txt', sep="\t"); write.table(negativeControl, 'negative.control.txt', sep="\t"); #read in those files just created. data <- mbcb.parseFile('signal.txt', 'negative.control.txt'); signal <- data$sig; negCon <- data$con; } \seealso{ \code{\link{mbcb.correct}} } \author{Yang Xie \email{ Yang.Xie@UTSouthwestern.edu}, Min Chen \email{ min.chen@phd.mccombs.utexas.edu}, Jeff Allen \email{ Jeffrey.Allen@UTSouthwestern.edu} } \keyword{ models }