\name{mbcb.correct} \alias{mbcb.correct} \title{MBCB - Model-Based Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray} \description{ This function is used to background-correct the provided data using the selected correction methods. Normalization is \emph{not} applied.\cr } \usage{ mbcb.correct (g, control, npBool=TRUE, rmaBool=FALSE, mleBool=FALSE, bayesBool=FALSE, gmleBool=FALSE, iter=500, burn=200, isRawBead=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{g}{ The data representing the signal file. } \item{control}{ The data representing the control file. } \item{npBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the non-parametric background correction values. Set to true if you wish to compute Non-Parametric background correction.} \item{rmaBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the RMA background correction values. Set to true if you wish to compute RMA background correction.} \item{mleBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the MLE background correction values. Set to true if you wish to compute MLE background correction.} \item{bayesBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the Bayes background correction values. Set to true if you wish to compute Bayes background correction.} \item{gmleBool}{ A boolean value representing the desire to compute the GMLE background correction values. Set to true if you wish to compute GMLE background correction.} \item{iter}{ The iteration count; only used in Bayesian correction. } \item{burn}{ The number of iterations which will be burned; only used in Bayesian correction. } \item{isRawBead}{A boolean value representing whether the input files are bead-level or bead-type. If the input is bead-level, set this value to True so that the raw bead-level values can be summarized to bead-type data.} } \value{ This function returns a complex list which can be grouped into two categories:\cr Background-corrected Values:\cr \describe{ \item{NP:}{The background corrected values of the Non-Parametric method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} \item{RMA:}{The background corrected values of the RMA method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} \item{MLE:}{The background corrected values of the MLE method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} \item{Bayes:}{The background corrected values of the Bayesian method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} } Average Values\cr \describe{ \item{AvgNP:}{A data.frame of statistics pertaining to the average of the NP normalization method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} \item{AvgRMA:}{A data.frame of statistics pertaining to the average of the RMA method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} \item{AvgMLE:}{A data.frame of statistics pertaining to the average of the MLE method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} \item{AvgBayes:}{A data.frame of statistics pertaining to the average of the Bayesian method (or an empty data.frame if this method was not used).} } These values have not been normalized or log2 transformed. See \code{\link{mbcb.main}} for such functionality. } \examples{ data(MBCBExpressionData) mbcb.correct(expressionSignal, negativeControl); } \seealso{ \code{\link{mbcb.main}} } \author{Yang Xie \email{ Yang.Xie@UTSouthwestern.edu}, Min Chen \email{ min.chen@phd.mccombs.utexas.edu}, Jeff Allen \email{ Jeffrey.Allen@UTSouthwestern.edu} } \keyword{ models }