\name{bg.rma} \alias{bg.rma} \title{MBCB - Robust Multi-Array Average Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray} \description{ This function provides the means of using only the Robust Multi-Array Average background correction method for the Illumina platform.\cr } \usage{ bg.rma(pm, n.pts = 2^14) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pm}{ The data to be background corrected. } \item{n.pts}{ Pertains to the specificity or accuracy of the method. 2^14 is the default. } } \value{ A list with two values: \describe{ \item{ex.rma:}{A vector containing the background-corrected values.} \item{para:}{The statistical summary of the computation.} } } \note{ This method does not make use of negative control beads. } \seealso{ \code{\link{mbcb.main}} } \examples{ data(MBCBExpressionData) bg.rma(expressionSignal[,2]); } \author{Yang Xie \email{ Yang.Xie@UTSouthwestern.edu}, Min Chen \email{ min.chen@phd.mccombs.utexas.edu}, Jeff Allen \email{ Jeffrey.Allen@UTSouthwestern.edu} } \keyword{ models }