\name{bg.mcmc} \alias{bg.mcmc} \title{MBCB - Bayesian Background Correction for Illumina Beadarray} \description{ This function provides the means of using only the MCMC (Bayesian) background correction method for the Illumina platform.\cr } \usage{ bg.mcmc(iter=500, burn=200) } \arguments{ \item{iter}{ The iteration count for the Baysian correction. } \item{burn}{ The number of iterations to burn for the Bayesian correction. } } \value{ This function returns an array of alpha, mu, and sigma values representing the values computed during the mcmc trial. } \note{ This function makes use of two global variables. It will expect \code{obsbead} and \code{obsnc} are both established prior to calling this function. Obviously, this is not ideal, but R's pass-by-value functionality hindered the ability to pass these matrices as parameters. Using global variables increases performance substantially. } \seealso{ \code{\link{mbcb.main}} } \examples{ data(MBCBExpressionData) # Use of global variables is obviously not ideal, but with R's pass-by-value # setup, we quickly run out of memory without using them on such large # arrays #all of the signals from sample #2 obsbead <<- expressionSignal[,2] #the negative control values for this sample obsnc <<- negativeControl[,2] #compute the alpha, mu, and sigma values bg.mcmc(); } \author{Yang Xie \email{ Yang.Xie@UTSouthwestern.edu}, Min Chen \email{ min.chen@phd.mccombs.utexas.edu}, Jeff Allen \email{ Jeffrey.Allen@UTSouthwestern.edu} } \keyword{ models }