\name{to.flag} \alias{to.flag} \title{Create an object of type flag} \description{ A \code{flag} object is a list which contains essentially a function (flag action) and a character, optionally arguments to be passed to the function. We make the distinction between two different flag types, corresponding to two different purposes: - \emph{permanent flags} identify poor quality spots or clones and remove them from further analysis (eg spots with low signal to noise ratio) - \emph{temporary flags} identify spots or clones that have not to be taken into account for the computation of a (scaling) normalization coefficient (eg X chromosome in case of sex mismatch) } \details{ If \code{flag$char} is null, \code{flag$FUN} is supposed to return a \code{arrayCGH} object; if it is not null, \code{flag$FUN} is supposed to return a list of spots to be flagged with \code{flag$char}. } \value{ An object of class \code{flag}. } \usage{ to.flag(FUN, char=NULL, args=NULL, type="perm.flag", label=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{FUN}{a R function to be applied to an \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}}, and optionally other arguments. If char is not NULL, must return a list of spots (lines of \code{arrayCGH$arrayValues}) to be flagged out; if \code{char==NULL}, must return an object of type \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}}} \item{char}{a character value to identify flagged spots; defaults to NULL} \item{args}{a list of further arguments to be passed to \code{FUN}; defaults to NULL (ie \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}} is the only argument to \code{FUN})} \item{type}{a character value defaulting to "perm.flag" which makes the distinction between permanent flags (type="perm.flag") and temporary flags (type="temp.flag")} \item{label}{a character value for flag labelling} } \author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \examples{ ### creation of a permanent flag: ## flag spots with low signal to noise ratios SNR.FUN <- function(arrayCGH, snr.thr) which(arrayCGH$arrayValues$F2 < arrayCGH$arrayValues$B2+log(snr.thr, 2)) SNR.char <- "B" SNR.flag <- to.flag(SNR.FUN, SNR.char, args=alist(snr.thr=3)) ### creation of a permanent flag returning an arrayCGH object: ## correct log-ratios for spatial trend global.spatial.FUN <- function(arrayCGH, var) { Trend <- arrayTrend(arrayCGH, var, span=0.03, degree=1, iterations=3, family="symmetric") arrayCGH$arrayValues[[var]] <- Trend$arrayValues[[var]]-Trend$arrayValues$Trend arrayCGH } global.spatial.flag <- to.flag(global.spatial.FUN, args=alist(var="LogRatio")) ### creation of a temporary flag: ## exclude sexual chromosomes from signal scaling chromosome.FUN <- function(arrayCGH, var) which(!is.na(match(as.character(arrayCGH$arrayValues[[var]]), c("X", "Y")))) chromosome.char <- "X" chromosome.flag <- to.flag(chromosome.FUN, chromosome.char, type="temp.flag", args=alist(var="Chromosome")) data(spatial) SNR.flag$args$snr.thr <- 3 ## set SNR threshold gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(SNR.flag, gradient) ## apply SNR.flag to array CGH gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(global.spatial.flag, gradient) gradient <- flag.arrayCGH(chromosome.flag, gradient) summary.factor(gradient$arrayValues$Flag) ## permanent flags summary.factor(gradient$arrayValues$FlagT) ## temporary flags } \keyword{misc} \seealso{\code{\link{flag.arrayCGH}}, \code{\link{norm.arrayCGH}}}