\name{spatial} \docType{data} \alias{spatial} \alias{edge} \alias{edge.norm} \alias{edge.txt} \alias{gradient} \alias{gradient.norm} \alias{gradient.gpr} \title{Examples of array-CGH data with spatial artifacts} \description{ This data set provides an example of array-CGH data with spatial artifacts, consisting of including \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}} objects before and after normalization} \details{ 'edge' presents local spatial bias in the top-right edge corner, and 'gradient' presents global spatial trend. 'edge' and 'gradient' are \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}} objects before normalization. They have been created respectively from spot and gpr files using \code{\link{import}}. 'edge.norm' and 'gradient.norm' are the corresponding \code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}} objects after normalization using \code{\link{norm.arrayCGH}}. \code{\link{flag}} objects used for data normalization come from \code{\link{flags}} dataset. } \usage{data(spatial)} \format{ \itemize{ \item{edge, gradient}{\code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}} objects before normalization: \tabular{lll}{ \tab \code{arrayValues} \tab spot-level information \cr \tab \code{arrayDesign} \tab block design of the array \cr \tab \code{cloneValues} \tab additionnal clone-level data (chromosome, position) \cr } } \item{edge.norm, gradient.norm}{\code{\link[GLAD]{arrayCGH}} objects after normalization} } } \source{Institut Curie, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \author{Pierre Neuvial, \email{manor@curie.fr}.} \note{People interested in tools for array-CGH analysis can visit our web-page: \url{http://bioinfo.curie.fr}.} \keyword{datasets} \seealso{\code{\link{flags}}} \examples{ data(spatial) ## edge: example of array with local spatial effects layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2), height=c(9,1)) arrayPlot(edge, "LogRatio", main="Log-ratios before normalization", zlim=c(-1,1), bar="h", layout=FALSE, mediancenter=TRUE) arrayPlot(edge.norm, "LogRatioNorm", main="Log-ratios after spatial normalization", zlim=c(-1,1), bar="h", layout=FALSE, mediancenter=TRUE) ## gradient: example of array with spatial gradient layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2), height=c(9,1)) arrayPlot(gradient, "LogRatio", main="Log-ratios before normalization", zlim=c(-2,2), bar="h", layout=FALSE) arrayPlot(gradient.norm, "LogRatioNorm", main="Log-ratios after spatial normalization", zlim=c(-2,2), bar="h", layout=FALSE) }