\name{getsLA-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{getsLA-methods} \alias{getsLA,eSet-method} \alias{getsLA,matrix-method} \alias{getsLA} \title{ Function to calculate the sLA test statistic for a given triplet data} \description{ 'getsLA' is used to calculate the sLA test statistic and correponding p value. } \arguments{ \item{object}{An numerical matrix object with three columns or an object of ExpresionSet class with three features.} \item{boots}{The number of bootstrap iterations for estimating the bootstrap standard error of sGLA. Default value is boots=30.} \item{perm}{The number of permutation iterations for generating the null distribution of the sGLA test statistic. Default is perm=100.} \item{dim}{An index of the column for the gene to be treated as the third controller variable. Default is dim=3} \item{geneMap}{A character vector with three elements representing the mapping between gene names and feature names (optional).} } \details{The input object can be a numerical matrix with three columns with row representing observations and column representing three variables. It can also be an ExpressionSet object with three features. If input a matrix class data, all three columns of the object representing the variables should have column names. Each variable in the object will be standardized with mean 0 and variance 1 in the function. In addition, the third variable will be quantile normalized within the function. More detail example about the usage of geneMap is demonstrated in the vignette. } \value{ 'getsLA' returns a vector with two elements. The first element is the value of test statistic and second element is the corresponding p value. A more detailed interpretation of these values is illustrated in the vignette. } \keyword{methods} \keyword{htest} \seealso{ LA, getsGLA } \examples{ data<-matrix(rnorm(300), ncol=3) colnames(data)<-c("Gene1", "Gene2", "Gene3") sLAest<-getsLA(data, boots=20, perm=100) sLAest }