\name{summarize} \alias{summarize} \alias{summarize.EList} \alias{summarize.RGList} \Rdversion{1.1} \docType{package} \title{ LVSmiRNA Summarization Function(s) for microRNA Microarray} \description{ Summarize microRNA microarray data objects. } \author{ Stefano Calza , Suo Chen and Yudi Pawitan. } \usage{ summarize(object, ...) \method{summarize}{EList}(object,RA,remove.ctrl=FALSE,is.log=!is.null(object$preprocessing$Normalization), method=c("rlm","medianpolish","mean"),verbose=FALSE,make.exprs=FALSE,...) \method{summarize}{RGList}(object,RA,remove.ctrl=FALSE,is.log=!is.null(object$preprocessing$Normalization), method=c("rlm","medianpolish","mean"),verbose=FALSE,make.exprs=FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object for which a summary is desired.} \item{RA}{ an object from estVC.} \item{remove.ctrl}{ logical, indicating whether to remove control probes.} \item{is.log}{Are data already logged?} \item{method}{ currently, method "medianpolish","mean" and "rlm" are supported.} \item{verbose}{More output} \item{make.exprs}{Should the output be and \code{exprSet} object?} \item{\ldots}{\ldots} } \details{ For multi-probe, multi-replicate microarray, intensities need to be summarized into a single expression value for each miRNA. The data objects are summarized as if they were lists. } \value{ An Elist object containing components as follows: \item{G}{ matrix containing the summarized intensities for each array with miRNAs as rows and arrays as columns.} \item{Gb}{ matrix containing the background intensities for each array with probes as rows and arrays as columns.} \item{targets}{ data frame with column \code{FileName} giving the names of the files read, with column \code{Sample} giving the names of the samplse.} \item{genes}{ data frame containing annotation information about the probes, for examples gene names and IDs and positions on the array.} \item{source}{ character string giving the image analysis program name.} \item{preprocessing}{ list with components \code{Background}, \code{Normalization}, \code{is.log}, \code{Summarization} indicate which pre-processing step has been done.} } \references{ Irizarry et al., 'Exploration, normalization, and summaries of high density oligonucleotide array probe level data', (2003a, Biostatistics); Huber, P. J., 'Robust estimation of a location parameter', (1964, Annuas of Mathematical Statistics) } \seealso{ \code{\link{lvs}}, \code{\link{estVC}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data("MIR-spike-in") AA <- estVC(MIR,method="joint") dd <- summarize(MIR,RA=AA,method="rlm") ##summarization methods other than rlm, object RA is not required dd1 <- summarize(MIR,method="medianpolish") dd2 <- summarize(MIR,method="mean") } }