\name{estVC} \alias{estVC} \alias{estVC.EList} \alias{estVC.RGList} \title{ Robust Linear Model to Estimate Residual Variance and Array Effect} \description{ Given intensities from microRNA data, fits a robust linear model at probe level and return the residual standard deviations and the array effects. } \usage{ estVC(object,method=c("joint","rlm"),cov.formula=c("weighted","asymptotic"),clName,verbose=FALSE) \S3method{estVC}{RGList}(object,method=c("joint","rlm"),cov.formula=c("weighted","asymptotic"),clName,verbose=FALSE) \S3method{estVC}{EList}(object,method=c("joint","rlm"),cov.formula=c("weighted","asymptotic"),clName,verbose=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ an object of class \code{EList} or \code{RGList}. } \item{method}{ character string specifying the estimating algorithm to be used. Choices are "joint" and "rlm".} \item{cov.formula}{ character string specifying the covariance formula to be used. Choices are "weighted" and "asymptotic".} \item{clName}{Cluster object produced by \code{makeCluster} function. Used only if \code{snow} is loaded.} \item{verbose}{Print some debug messages.} } \details{ \code{estVC} is the first step in LVS normalization. It fits a robust linear model at the probe-level data in order to estimate the variability of probe intensities due to array-to-array variability. Depending on whether probes show considerable differences in within-probe variance, user can choose the more complex \code{joint} model to accommodate the potential heteroscedasticity or standard robust linear model if within-probe variance can be ignored. The array effects are then captured by the chi-square statistic. The covariance matrix can be estimated based either on the sandwich form of weighted covariance matrix or an asymptotic form. } \value{ An object of class \code{RA} containing three components as follows: \item{ArrayEffects}{a matrix containing the array effect with samples as columns and miRNAs as rows.} \item{ArrayChi2}{vector giving chi-square statisitcs of the miRNAs as a measure of array-to-array variability.} \item{logStdDev}{vector giving standard deviations of the genes on log scale.} } \references{ Calza et al., 'Normalization of oligonucleotide arrays based on the least variant set of genes', (2008, BMCBioinformatics); Pawitan, Y. 'In All Likelihood: Statistical Modeling and Inference Using Likelihood', (2001, Oxford University Press); Huber, P. J., 'Robust estimation of a location parameter', (1964, Annuas of Mathematical Statistics). } \author{ Stefano Calza , Suo Chen and Yudi Pawitan.} \seealso{\code{\link{read.mir}}, \code{\link{lvs}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ # Starting from an EList object called MIR data("MIR-spike-in") AA <- estVC(MIR,method="joint") # Parellel execution using multicore library(multicore) # use this to set the desided number of #cores. Otherwise multicore would use all the available options(cores=8) AA <- estVC(MIR,method="joint") detach('package:multicore') # Parellel execution using snow library(snow) cl <- makeCluster(8,type="SOCK") # Or also...see ?makeCluster # cl <- makeCluster(8,type="MPI") AA <- estVC(MIR,method="joint",clName=cl) }} \keyword{ normalization } \keyword{ miRNA }