\name{mergeGraphs} \alias{mergeGraphs} \title{ A function to merge KEGG graphs} \description{ The function merges a list of KEGG graphs into one graph object. The merged graph have unique nodes, and edges are merged into non-duplicate sets. For the reason of speed, \code{mergeGraphs} discards KEGG node and edge informations. To maintain them while merging graphs, please use \code{\link{mergeKEGGgraphs}}. } \usage{ mergeGraphs(list, edgemode = "directed") } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{list}{ A list of graph objects, which can be created by \code{\link{parseKGML2Graph}} } \item{edgemode}{ Edge mode of the graph product, by default 'directed' } } \details{ The function takes a list of graphs and merges them into a new graph. The nodes of individual graphs must be unique. The function takes care of the removal of duplicated edges. } \value{ A directed graph } \author{ Jitao David Zhang } \note{ It is known that graphs from C.elegance pathways have problem when merging, because the nodes name are not consistent betweeen edge records and entry IDs. } \seealso{ \code{\link{parseKGML2Graph}} }