\name{kgmlFileName2PathwayName} \alias{kgmlFileName2PathwayName} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Convert KGML file name to pathway name } \description{ The function uses KEGG package and converts KGML file name into human readable pathway name. } \usage{ kgmlFileName2PathwayName(filename) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{filename}{ A KGML file name} } \details{ So far it only supports KGML files organized by species. NOTE: there is issue of package loading sequence to use this function: the 'KEGG.db' must be loaded before 'KEGGgraph' to use it properly. Otherwise the \code{mget} returns error of 'KEGGPATHID2NAME' is not a environment. So far I don't where does this bug come from, so I commented out the examples. } \value{ A character string of pathway name } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \url{mailto:jitao_david.zhang@roche.com} } %\examples{ %library(KEGG.db) %kgmlFileName2PathwayName("hsa04010.xml") %}