\name{expandKEGGPathway} \alias{expandKEGGPathway} \title{ Expand KEGG Pathway } \description{ The function expands paralogue nodes in KEGG pathway and returns expanded KEGG pathway, KEGG node and edge data is maintained. } \usage{ expandKEGGPathway(pathway) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{pathway}{ An object of \code{\link{KEGGPathway-class}} } } \details{ The function expands nodes with paralogues in KEGG pathway and copy neccessary edges. } \value{ An object of \code{\link{KEGGPathway-class}} } \author{ Jitao David Zhang \url{mailto:jitao_david.zhang@roche.com} } \seealso{ \code{\link{expandKEGGNode}} } \examples{ sfile <- system.file("extdata/hsa04010.xml",package="KEGGgraph") kegg.pathway <- parseKGML(sfile) kegg.expandpathway <- expandKEGGPathway(kegg.pathway) }