\name{get.genes.by.pathway} \alias{get.genes.by.pathway} \alias{get.enzymes.by.pathway} \alias{get.compounds.by.pathway} \alias{get.reactions.by.pathway} \title{Client-side interface to obtain the KEGG ids for genes/enzymes/compounds/reactions that are involved in the interactions in a given pathway} \description{ Given a KEGG pathway identifier, the functions query the KEGG PATHWAY database for all the genes/enzymes/compounds/reactions that that are involved in the interactions in the specified pathway. } \usage{ get.genes.by.pathway(pathway.id) get.enzymes.by.pathway(pathway.id) get.compounds.by.pathway(pathway.id) get.reactions.by.pathway(pathway.id) } \arguments{ \item{pathway.id}{\code{pathway.id} a character string for a KEGG pathway id. KEGG pathway ids consist of the string path followed by a colon, a three-letter code for the organism of concern, and then a number (e. g. "path:eco00020"). The three-letter organism code consists of the first letter of the genus name and the first two letters of the species name of the scientific name of the organism of concern} } \details{ KEGG pathway identifiers for a given organism can be obtained using function \code{\link{list.pathways}} } \value{ The functions return a vector of KEGG gene/enzyme/compound/reation ids found in the pathway } \references{\url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/soap/doc/keggapi_manual.html}} \author{Jianhua Zhang} \seealso{\code{\link{list.pathways}}} \examples{ genes <- get.genes.by.pathway("path:eco00020") enzymes <- get.enzymes.by.pathway("path:eco00020") compounds <- get.compounds.by.pathway("path:eco00020") reactions <- get.reactions.by.pathway("path:eco00020") } \keyword{ datasets }