\name{bget} \alias{bget} \title{Client-side interface to obtain KEGG database entries by a list of entry identifiers} \description{ \code{bget} is used for retrieving KEGG database entries specified by a list of entry identifiers. It accepts all the KEGG bget commond line options as a character string. Number of entries retrieved at a time is restricted up to 100. } \arguments{ \item{bget.command}{\code{bget.command} a character string of KEGG bget command} } \usage{ bget(bget.command) } \value{ a character string of KEGG bget search result. } \references{\url{http://www.genome.jp/kegg/docs/keggapi_manual.html#label:40}} \author{Nianhua Li} \examples{ # retrieve two KEGG/GENES entries bget("eco:b0002 hin:tRNA-Cys-1") # retrieve nucleic acid sequences in a FASTA format bget("-f -n n eco:b0002 hin:tRNA-Cys-1") # retrieve amino acid sequence in a FASTA format bget("-f -n a eco:b0002") } \keyword{datasets}