\name{subsetByColumn} \alias{subsetByColumn} \title{Extract subset of rows from a data frame or a list of data frames...} \usage{subsetByColumn(frameData, subset, column, verbose=FALSE)} \description{Extract subset of rows from a data frame or a list of data frames by intersecting on a particular column} \details{This function outputs a data frame which set of rows is a product of intersecting on a particular column of the imput data frame(s) rows with a given set of names (subset).} \value{data frame or list of data frame which column set is a product of intersecting of a particular column with a (partially intersecting) subset.} \keyword{internal} \author{Roger Day, Alex Lisovich} \arguments{\item{frameData}{input data frame or a list of data frames.} \item{subset}{character vector of names partially intersecting with given data frame column and defining the set on which merging is to be performed.} \item{column}{The column on which the intersection is to be performed.} \item{verbose}{if TRUE enables diagnostic messages.}} \examples{\dontrun{ commonProteins<-subsetByRow(experimentSet,proteins,column=1); }}