\name{as.UniquePairs} \alias{as.UniquePairs} \title{Create a UniquePairs object by converting a single IdMap or a list of Id Maps into...} \usage{as.UniquePairs(idMapData, secondaryIDs, keepMissing=FALSE, verbose=FALSE)} \description{Create a UniquePairs object by converting a single IdMap or a list of Id Maps into a single or list of unique pairs data structures optionally intersecting the secondary ID set with an external secondary ID set if farther data size reduction is necessary} \details{The alternative representation of an IdMap suitable for performing the correlation related processing. Contains a data frame with two columns, each row of which represents a unique pair where primary ID corresponds to the primaryIDs of an ID Map and secondary ID corresponds to a single ID from a list of comma separated secondary IDs within the corresponding ID Map. The column names correspond to the primary/secondary keys of an Id Map ('acc' and 'probeset' for example)} \value{UniquePairs object} \keyword{internal} \author{Roger Day, Alex Lisovich} \arguments{\item{idMapData}{an IdMap object or a list of IdMap objects to be converted into UniquePairs} \item{secondaryIDs}{optional secondary ID list on which the resulting UniquePairs is intersected. Default is NULL (not present).} \item{keepMissing}{logical indicating if the rows with empty secondary IDs should removed from the resulting object. Default is FALSE (keep such rows)} \item{verbose}{if TRUE enables diagnostic messages}}