%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Do not modify this file since it was automatically generated from: % % annotation.R % % by the Rdoc compiler part of the R.oo package. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \name{Annotation} \docType{class} \alias{Annotation} \encoding{latin1} \title{The Annotation class} \description{ Package: \cr \bold{Class Annotation}\cr \code{\link[R.oo]{Object}}\cr \code{~~|}\cr \code{~~+--}\emph{\code{Annotation}}\cr \bold{Directly known subclasses:}\cr \link{AnnotationAffx}, \link{AnnotationDavid}, \link{AnnotationDavidCsv}, \link{AnnotationEnsembl}, \link{AnnotationEnsemblCsv}, \link{AnnotationEnvision}, \link{AnnotationNetAffx}\cr public abstract static class \bold{Annotation}\cr extends \link[R.oo]{Object}\cr This is the base annotation class from which the concrete classes like AnnotationAffx, AnnotationEnvision etc. are derived } \usage{Annotation(cacheFolderName="", primaryColumn="From", secondaryColumn="To", swap=FALSE, species="Homo sapiens", verbose=FALSE, ...)} \arguments{ \item{cacheFolderName}{ The path to a service cashing directory for a given Annotation object. The path is relative to the caching subsystem root directory. Default is 'Affymetrix'} \item{primaryColumn}{Primary column to be retrieved from a data frame obtained for a given service when getIdMap() on a given annotation object is called. Default is 'From'.} \item{secondaryColumn}{Secondary column(s) to be retrieved from a data frame obtained for a given service when getIdMap on a given annotation object is called. Default is 'To'.} \item{swap}{A \code{\link[base]{logical}} indicating if primary and secondary column(s) need to be swapped at the end of the IdMap retrieval during the getIdMap() call.Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{species}{A \code{\link[base]{character}} vector or \code{\link[base]{NA}} indicating if filtering of the results on a particular set of species should be performed if a given service provides the species information. If \code{\link[base]{NA}}, no filtering is performed. Default is "Homo sapiens".} \item{verbose}{if \code{\link[base:logical]{TRUE}} enables diagnostic messages. Default is \code{\link[base:logical]{FALSE}}.} \item{...}{Additional parameters} } \section{Fields and Methods}{ \bold{Methods:}\cr \tabular{rll}{ \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getArrayType.Annotation]{getArrayType}} \tab Select the array type.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getArrayTypes.Annotation]{getArrayTypes}} \tab Get all available microarray chip types.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getCredentials.Annotation]{getCredentials}} \tab Retrieve credentials for a given service.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getDataFrame.Annotation]{getDataFrame}} \tab Get the entire data set available from a particular service in a form of a data frame.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getFolderName.Annotation]{getFolderName}} \tab Get caching folder name for a given Annotation object.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getIdMap.Annotation]{getIdMap}} \tab Get an IdMap object using the data retrieved by a particular service represented by annotation object.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getRoot.Annotation]{getRoot}} \tab Get the path to service caching directory.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:getServiceRoot.Annotation]{getServiceRoot}} \tab Get a root directory for a particular annotation object.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:init.Annotation]{init}} \tab Init annotation subsystem.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:setCredentials.Annotation]{setCredentials}} \tab Create and store the credentials information for given service.\cr \tab \code{\link[IdMappingRetrieval:setOptions.Annotation]{setOptions}} \tab Set the parameters for an annotation object.\cr } \bold{Methods inherited from Object}:\cr $, $<-, [[, [[<-, as.character, attach, attachLocally, clearCache, clone, detach, equals, extend, finalize, gc, getEnvironment, getFields, getInstantiationTime, getStaticInstance, hasField, hashCode, ll, load, objectSize, print, registerFinalizer, save } \author{Alex Lisovich, Roger Day} \keyword{classes}