\name{seqapply} \alias{seqapply} \alias{mseqapply} \alias{tseqapply} \alias{seqsplit} \alias{seqby} \title{ Apply function and cast to Vector } \description{ The \code{seqapply} family of functions behaves much like the existing \code{lapply} family, except the return value is cast to a \linkS4class{Vector} subclass. This facilitates constraining computation to the \code{Vector} framework across iteration and (for \code{seqsplit}) splitting. } \usage{ seqapply(X, FUN, ...) mseqapply(FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, USE.NAMES = TRUE) tseqapply(X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ...) seqsplit(x, f, drop = FALSE) seqby(data, INDICES, FUN, ...) } \arguments{ \item{X}{ The object over which to iterate, usually a vector or \code{Vector} } \item{x}{ Like \code{X} } \item{data}{ Like \code{X} } \item{FUN}{ The function that is applied to each element of \code{X} } \item{MoreArgs}{ Additional arguments to \code{FUN} that are treated like scalars } \item{USE.NAMES}{ Whether the return values should inherit names from one of the arguments } \item{INDEX}{ A \code{list} of factors to split \code{X} into subsets, each of which is passed in a separate invocation of \code{FUN} } \item{INDICES}{ Like \code{INDEX}, except a single factor need not be in a \code{list}. } \item{f}{ A \code{factor} or \code{list} of factors } \item{drop}{ Whether to drop empty elements from the returned list } \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments to pass to \code{FUN} } } \details{ These functions should be used just like their base equivalent: \describe{ \item{\code{seqapply}}{=> \code{lapply}} \item{\code{mseqapply}}{=> \code{mapply}} \item{\code{tseqapply}}{=> \code{tapply}} \item{\code{seqsplit}}{=> \code{split}} \item{\code{seqby}}{=> \code{by}} } The only difference is that the result is cast to a \code{Vector} object. The casting logic simply looks for a common class from which all returned values inherit. It then checks for the existence of a function of the form \code{ClassList} where \code{Class} is the name of the class. If such a function is not found, the search proceeds up the hierarchy of classes. An error is thrown when hierarchy is exhausted. If \code{ClassList} is found, it is called with the list of return values as its only argument, under the assumption that a \code{Vector}-derived instance will be constructed. } \value{ A \code{Vector} object } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \examples{ starts <- IntegerList(c(1, 5), c(2, 8)) ends <- IntegerList(c(3, 8), c(5, 9)) rangesList <- mseqapply(IRanges, starts, ends) rangeDataFrame <- stack(rangesList, "space", "ranges") dataFrameList <- seqsplit(rangeDataFrame, rangeDataFrame$space) starts <- seqapply(dataFrameList[,"ranges"], start) } \keyword{manip}