\name{multisplit} \alias{multisplit} \title{ Split elements belonging to multiple groups } \description{ This is like \code{\link{split}}, except elements can belong to multiple groups, in which case they are repeated to appear in multiple elements of the return value. } \usage{ multisplit(x, f) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ The object to split, like a vector. } \item{f}{ A list-like object of vectors, the same length as \code{x}, where each element indicates the groups to which each element of \code{x} belongs. } } \value{ A list-like object, with an element for each unique value in the unlisted \code{f}, containing the elements in \code{x} where the corresponding element in \code{f} contained that value. Just try it. } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \examples{ multisplit(1:3, list(letters[1:2], letters[2:3], letters[2:4])) } \keyword{ manip }