\name{RleViews-class} \docType{class} % Classes: \alias{class:RleViews} \alias{RleViews-class} \alias{RleViews} % Constructors: \alias{Views,Rle-method} % Methods: \alias{show,RleViews-method} % coercion \alias{coerce,AtomicList,RleViews-method} \title{The RleViews class} \description{ The RleViews class is the basic container for storing a set of views (start/end locations) on the same Rle object. } \details{ An RleViews object contains a set of views (start/end locations) on the same \link{Rle} object called "the subject vector" or simply "the subject". Each view is defined by its start and end locations: both are integers such that start <= end. An RleViews object is in fact a particular case of a \link{Views} object (the RleViews class contains the \link{Views} class) so it can be manipulated in a similar manner: see \code{?\link{Views}} for more information. Note that two views can overlap and that a view can be "out of limits" i.e. it can start before the first element of the subject or/and end after its last element. } \author{P. Aboyoun} \seealso{ \link{Views-class}, \link{Rle-class}, \link{Views-utils} } \examples{ subject <- Rle(rep(c(3L, 2L, 18L, 0L), c(3,2,1,5))) myViews <- Views(subject, 3:0, 5:8) myViews subject(myViews) length(myViews) start(myViews) end(myViews) width(myViews) myViews[[2]] set.seed(0) vec <- Rle(sample(0:2, 20, replace = TRUE)) vec Views(vec, vec > 0) } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}