\name{RangesMapping-class} \docType{class} \alias{RangesMapping-class} % generic \alias{map} % accessors \alias{hits} \alias{ranges,RangesMapping-method} \alias{space,RangesMapping-method} \alias{dim,RangesMapping-method} \alias{length,RangesMapping-method} \alias{queryHits,RangesMapping-method} \alias{subjectHits,RangesMapping-method} % coercion \alias{coerce,RangesMapping,RangedData-method} \title{Mapping of ranges to another sequence} \description{The \code{map} generic converts a set of ranges to the equivalent ranges on another sequence, through some sort of alignment between sequences, and outputs an \code{RangesMapping} object. There are three primary components of that object: the transformed \code{ranges}, the \code{space} (destination sequence) for the ranges, and the \code{hits}, a \code{\linkS4class{Hits}} object of the same length that matches each input range to a destination sequence (useful when the alignment is one/many to many).} \usage{map(from, to, ...)} \arguments{ \item{from}{Typically an object containing ranges to map.} \item{to}{Typically an object representing an alignment.} \item{...}{Arguments to pass to methods} } \value{ A \code{RangesMapping} object, as documented here. } \section{\code{RangesMapping} Accessors}{ \describe{ \item{}{\code{ranges(x)}: Gets the mapped ranges.} \item{}{\code{space(x)}: Gets the destination spaces (sequence names).} \item{}{\code{hits(x)}: Gets the matching between the input ranges and the destination sequences (of which there may be more than one).} \item{}{\code{dim(x)}: Same as \code{dim(hits(x))}.} \item{}{\code{length(x)}: Same as \code{length(hits(x))}.} \item{}{\code{subjectHits(x)}: Same as \code{subjectHits(hits(x))}.} \item{}{\code{queryHits(x)}: Same as \code{queryHits(hits(x))}.} } } \section{\code{RangesMapping} Coercion}{ \describe{ \item{}{\code{as(from, "RangedData")}: Converts a \code{RangesMapping} into a \code{\linkS4class{RangedData}}. The \code{ranges}/\code{space} in the \code{RangedData} are the \code{ranges}/\code{space} of \code{from}, and the \code{values} result from the coercion of the \code{hits} to a \code{DataFrame}. } } } \author{ Michael Lawrence } \seealso{ Methods on the generic \code{map}, which generates an instance of this class, are defined in other packages, like GenomicRanges. } \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}