\name{Annotated-class} \docType{class} \alias{Annotated} \alias{Annotated-class} % accessors \alias{metadata} \alias{metadata,Annotated-method} \alias{metadata<-} \alias{metadata<-,Annotated-method} \title{Annotated class} \description{The virtual class \code{Annotated} is used to standardize the storage of metadata with a subclass.} \details{ The \code{Annotated} class supports the storage of global metadata in a subclass. This is done through the \code{metadata} slot that stores a list object. } \section{Accessors}{ In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an \code{Annotated} object. \describe{ \item{}{\code{metadata(x)}, \code{metadata(x) <- value}: Get or set the list holding arbitrary R objects as annotations. May be, and often is, empty. } } } \author{P. Aboyoun} \seealso{\code{\linkS4class{Vector}} for example implementations} \keyword{methods} \keyword{classes}