\name{modelfit-class} \docType{class} \alias{modelfit-class} \alias{modelfit} \alias{show,modelfit-method} \alias{visualize,modelfit,missing,missing-method} \title{"Modelfit"} \description{Object returned from a call to \link{fitModelParameters}.} \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{model}{The chosen model, either \code{"Gaussian"} or \code{"EMG"}.} \item{fitting}{The mode of fitting which generated the object. Either \code{"most_intense"} or \code{"model"}.} \item{alphafunction}{A function of m/z that computes an estimate for the \code{EMG} parameter \code{alpha}. See \link{fitModelParameters} for more detailed information on this parameter.} \item{sigmafunction}{A function of m/z that computes an estimate for the \code{EMG} parameter \code{sigma}. See \link{fitModelParameters} for more detailed information on this parameter.} \item{mufunction}{A function of m/z that computes an estimate for the \code{EMG} parameter \code{mu}. See \link{fitModelParameters} for more detailed information on this parameter.} \item{peakfitresults}{A \code{matrix} of five columns if \code{model = "Gaussian"} and of six columns if \code{model = "EMG"}, respectively. The matrix contains basic information on the extracted peaks and the corresponding parameters. The first column contains the number of (mz, intensity)-pairs used for fitting, the second column contains the residual sums of squares of the model fit, the middle columns the parameter estimates and the last column the m/z position.} \item{bestpeak}{A \code{list} containing detailed information on the 'best' peak, where 'best' is equivalent to 'minimum residual sums of squares' after fitting. Mainly used indirectly by calling the function \code{visualize}.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{show}{Use \code{show(object)} for brief information about the object.} \item{visualize}{A function to display graphically the result of parameter estimation. One can either visualize a single peak (\code{slot(object, "bestpeak")}) or the fit of the linear models postulated for the parameters \code{alpha}, \code{sigma} and \code{mu}. The function \code{visualize} is called with the following set of parameters. \describe{ \item{\code{object}}{An object of class \code{modelfit}.} \item{\code{type}}{A \code{character} specifying the object to be visualized. If \code{type = "peak"}, the fit of a single peak stored in \code{object@bestpeak} is displayed. If \code{type = "model"}, one obtains scatterplots of the form \code{parameter} vs. \code{mz} for each parameter in \code{parameters}, s. below.} \item{\code{parameters}}{Needed if and only if \code{type = "model"} in order to choose the y-variable of the scatterplot. Several parameters may be specified at a time, in which case one obtains a multi-panel plot.} \item{\code{modelfit}}{A \code{logical} indicating whether the estimated regression functions should be added to the scatterplots (if \code{type = "model"}). } } } } } \keyword{models}