\name{analyzeLCMS} \alias{analyzeLCMS} \title{Functionality for LC-MS data} \description{The function \code{analyzeLCMS} applies the function \code{getPeaklist} to all scans of the dataset. The sweep line scheme of Schulz-Trieglaff et al. (2008) is then used to find retention time intervals of consecutive signals.} \usage{analyzeLCMS(data, arglist.fitModelParameters = list(), arglist.getPeaklist = list(), arglist.threshold = list(), arglist.sweepline = list(), trace = TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{data}{\code{data} can be one of the following: \itemize{\item{A \code{character} for the path to the file that is to be processed. The file has to be either an \code{mzXML} file or a three-column matrix whose columns contains retention times, m/z positions and intensities (exactly in that order).} \item{An object of class \code{mzXML}.} \item{A \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame} containing three columns containing retention times, m/z positions and intensities (exactly in that order).}} } \item{arglist.fitModelParameters}{Optional arguments to be passed to \link{fitModelParameters}.} \item{arglist.getPeaklist}{Optional arguments to be passed to \link{getPeaklist}.} \item{arglist.threshold}{Optional arguments to be passed to the method \code{threshold}, see \link{peaklist} for details.} \item{arglist.sweepline}{Optional arguments to be passed to the function \link{sweepline}.} \item{trace}{A \code{logical} controlling whether status information is displayed.} } \value{A \code{list} composed of \describe{ \item{peaklists}{A list of matrices as in the slot \code{peaklistprocessed} of an object of class \code{peaklist}. These matrices are obtained from running \code{getPeaklist} for all scans contained in \code{data} and applying hard thresholding as implemented in the method \code{threshold}.} \item{boxes}{A matrix of retention time intervals as returned as output by a call to the function \link{sweepline}.} } } \examples{} \references{0. Schulz-Trieglaff and R. Hussong and C. Groepl and A. Leinenbach and A. Hildebrandt and C. Huber and K. Reinert. (2008) \emph{Journal of Computational Biology, 15, 685-704}} \keyword{models}