\name{row.slr.shapiro} \alias{row.slr.shapiro} \title{ Test normality of residuals for many variables. } \description{ For each row of the data matrix Y, use the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine if the residuals of simple linear regression on x are normally distributed. } \usage{ row.slr.shapiro(Y, x) } \arguments{ \item{Y}{ a data matrix with rows for variables and columns for subjects } \item{x}{ a vector with values of the independent variables for regression of each row of Y. } } \value{ A data.frame with three columns: \item{stat }{A vector with the Shapiro-Wilk test statistic for each row of Y} \item{pval }{A vector with the Shapiro-Wilk p-value for each row of Y} \item{ebp}{A vector with the estimated empirical Bayes probability of normally distributed residuals for each row of Y} } \references{ Patrick Royston (1982) Algorithm AS 181: The W test for Normality. Applied Statistics, 31, 176-180. } \author{ Stan Pounds <\email{stanley.pounds@stjude.org}>; Demba Fofana <\email{demba.fofana@stjude.org}> } \examples{ ####################Correlation Study##################### # load data data(correlation.data) # Read the expression values Y<-exprs(correlation.data) # Read the phenotype x<-pData(correlation.data) x[,1] #Shapiro Test row.slr.shapiro(Y,x[,1]) } \keyword{Test for normality }