\name{correlation.data} \alias{correlation.data} \title{Sample ExpressionSet object of correlation.data} \description{An \emph{ExpressionSet} object of correlation.data.} \usage{ data(correlation.data) } \details{ \emph{correlation.data} includes expression data for 100 randomly selected genes for the subjects of the AML97 clinical trial in Lamba et al (2010). The phenotype is the log-transformed baseline DNA synthesis rate. The data set is included for an example of exploring the correlation of expression with a quantitative phenotype. } \value{ \item{expr(correlation.data)}{A matrix with 100 rows and 83 columns with rows representing probe-sets and cloumns of human sample IDs. } \item{pData(correlation.data)}{A data frame with 100 rows and 2 columns. Each row represents one human sample. Column \emph{id} is the column without title and \emph{x} is the phenotype observations transformed by log function.} } \seealso{ \link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}-class \code{\link{hybrid.test}}; \code{\link{GroupComp.data}} } \references{ Lamba JK et al. Identification of predictive markers of cytarabine response in acute myeloid leukemia by integrative analysis of gene-expression profiles with multiple phenotypes. Pharmacogenomics, 12: 327-39. } \examples{ data(correlation.data) tumor.express.set <- exprs(correlation.data) tumor.pheno.data <- pData(correlation.data) }