\name{regHeatmap} \alias{regHeatmap} \alias{regHeatmap.default} \title{Regular heatmaps with a legend} \description{ Creating regular heatmaps, without annotation, but allowing for a legend } \usage{ regHeatmap(x, ...) \method{regHeatmap}{default}(x, dendrogram = list(clustfun = hclust, distfun = dist, status = "yes"), labels = NULL, legend = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a numerical matrix } \item{dendrogram}{a list controlling the options for row- and column dendrogram, see \code{annHeatmap2} } \item{labels}{a list controlling the row- and column labels as well as their location and size, see \code{annHeatmap2} } \item{legend}{either a logical value, indicating whether to draw a legend at the default location determined by the function, or one of the sides of the plot (1-4), see \code{annHeatmap2} } \item{\dots}{extra options passed to \code{annHeatmap2} } } \details{ A gelded wrapper for \code{annHeatmap2} that allows for heatmaps without annotation or clustering on the dendrograms, but still offer some control over dendrograms, labels and legend. These functions generate an object representing the heatmap; in order to produce graphical output, you have to invoke the \code{plot} method, see Examples. } \value{ An object of class \code{annHeatmap} } \seealso{ \code{\link{annHeatmap}}, \code{\link{annHeatmap2}}, \code{\link{plot.annHeatmap}} } \examples{ ## Default set.seed(219) mat = matrix(rnorm(100), ncol=5) map1 = regHeatmap(mat) plot(map1) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplot}