\name{heatmap_2} \alias{heatmap_2} \title{Display Data as Heatmap} \description{ This function displays an expression data matrix as a heatmap. It is based on an old version of \code{heatmap} in the \code{stats} package, but offers more flexibility (e.g. skipping dendrograms, skipping row/column labelling, adding a legend). This function is just about to be deprecated. Please use \code{regHeatmap} for new projects. } \usage{ heatmap_2(x, Rowv, Colv, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, add.expr, scale = c("row", "column", "none"), na.rm = TRUE, do.dendro = c(TRUE, TRUE), legend = 0, legfrac = 8, col = heat.colors(12), trim, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{the numerical data matrix to be displayed.} \item{Rowv}{either a dendrogram or a vector of reordering indexes for the rows.} \item{Colv}{either a dendrogram or a vector of reordering indexes for the columns.} \item{distfun}{function to compute the distances between rows and columns. Defaults to \code{dist}.} \item{hclustfun}{function used to cluster rows and columns. Defaults to \code{hclust}.} \item{add.expr}{Expression to be evaluated after the call to \code{image}. See Details.} \item{scale}{indicates whether values should be scaled by either by row, column, or not at all. Defaults to \code{row}.} \item{na.rm}{logical indicating whther to remove NAs.} \item{do.dendro}{logical vector of length two, indicating (in this order) whether to draw the row and column dendrograms.} \item{legend}{integer between 1 and 4, indicating on which side of the plot the legend should be drawn, as in \code{mtext}.} \item{legfrac}{fraction of the plot that is taken up by the legend; larger values correspond to smaller legends.} \item{col}{the color scheme for \code{image}. The default sucks.} \item{trim}{Percentage of values to be trimmed. This helps to keep an informative color scale, see Details.} \item{\dots}{extra arguments to \code{image}.} } \details{ With all parameters at their default, this gives the same result as a very old version of \code{heatmap} that was the base for the modifications. All parameters of the same name have the same function as in \code{heatmap}, though \code{add.expr}, which can be used for adding graphical elements after the call to \code{image}, will probably not produce useful results. Note also that row- and column labels are optional, i.e. if the corresponding \code{dimname} of \code{x} is \code{NULL}, no labels are displayed. Note that setting \code{Rowv} or \code{Colv} to \code{NA} completely suppresses re-ordering of rows or columns as well as the corresponding dendrogram. Setting both to \code{NA} works basically like \code{image} (though you can still add a legend). Setting \code{trim} to a number between 0 and 1 uses equidistant classes between the (\code{trim})- and (1-\code{trim})-quantile, and lumps the values below and above this range into separate open-ended classes. If the data comes from a heavy-tailed distribution, this can save the display from putting too many values into to few classes. } \value{ Same as \code{heatmap} with \code{keep.dendro=FALSE}: an invisible list giving the reordered indices of the row- and column-elements as elements \code{rowInd} and \code{colInd}.} \author{Original by Andy Liaw, with revisions by Robert Gentleman and Martin Maechler. Alexander Ploner for this version. } \seealso{\code{\link{heatmap}}, \code{\link{hclust}}, \code{\link{heatmap_plus}}, \code{\link{regHeatmap}}, \code{\link{annHeatmap}}} \examples{ # create data mm = matrix(rnorm(1000, m=1), 100,10) mm = cbind(mm, matrix(rnorm(2000), 100, 20)) mm = cbind(mm, matrix(rnorm(1500, m=-1), 100, 15)) mm2 = matrix(rnorm(450), 30, 15) mm2 = cbind(mm2, matrix(rnorm(900,m=1.5), 30,30)) mm=rbind(mm, mm2) colnames(mm) = paste("Sample", 1:45) rownames(mm) = paste("Gene", 1:130) # similar to base heatmap heatmap_2(mm) # remove column dendrogram heatmap_2(mm, do.dendro=c(TRUE, FALSE)) # add a legend under the plot heatmap_2(mm, legend=1) # make it smaller heatmap_2(mm, legend=1, legfrac=10) # ... on the left side heatmap_2(mm, legend=2, legfrac=10) # remove the column labels by removing the column names colnames(mm)=NULL heatmap_2(mm, legend=1, legfrac=10) # truncate the data drastically heatmap_2(mm, legend=1, legfrac=10, trim=0.1) } \keyword{hplot}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS