\name{plotCtCategory} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{plotCtCategory} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Summarising the feature categories for Ct values.} \description{This function will provide a summary of the \code{featureCategory} for a qPCRset. Focus can either be on categories across samples, or across features.} \usage{ plotCtCategory(q, cards = TRUE, by.feature = FALSE, stratify, col, xlim, main, ...) } \arguments{ \item{q}{object of class qPCRset.} \item{cards}{integers, the number of the cards (samples) to plot.} \item{by.feature}{logical, should the categories be summarised for features rather than samples. See details.} \item{stratify}{character string, either "type" or "class" indicating if the categories should be stratified by \code{featureType} or \code{featureClass} of \code{q}. Ignored if \code{by.features} is TRUE.} \item{col}{vector with the colours to use for the categories. Default is green for "OK", yellow for "Unreliable" and red for "Undetermined". See details.} \item{xlim}{vector, the limits of the x-axis. If \code{by.feature} is FALSE, this can be used to adjust the size of the barplot to fit in the colour legend.} \item{main}{character string, the title of the plot.} \item{\dots}{further arguments passed to \code{barplot} or \code{heatmap}.} } \details{ This function is for generating two different types of plot. If \code{by.feature=FALSE} the number of each \code{featureCategory} will be counted for each card, and a barplot is made. If however \code{by.feature=TRUE}, then the categories for each feature across the selected cards will be clustered in a heatmap. The colours given in \code{col} correspond to all the unique categories present in the entire \code{featureCategory} of \code{q}, even categories not represented for the samples selected by \code{cards}. Categories are sorted alphabetically, and colours assigned accordingly. For \code{by.feature=TRUE} the plot can be modified extensively using calls to the underlying \code{heatmap} function, such as setting \code{cexRow} to adjust the size of row labels. } \value{A figure is produced on the current graphics device.} \author{Heidi Dvinge} \seealso{ \code{\link{setCategory}}, and \code{\link{heatmap}} for the underlying plotting function for \code{by.feature=TRUE}. } \examples{ # Load example preprocessed data data(qPCRpros) # Plot categories for samples plotCtCategory(qPCRpros) plotCtCategory(qPCRpros, cards=1:3, stratify="class") # Categories for features plotCtCategory(qPCRpros, by.feature=TRUE) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{hplot }