\name{combineData} \alias{combineData} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Combine data } \description{ Calculate trimmed and/or weighted means of groups of rows in a given data matrix. } \usage{ combineData(x, y, w, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ a numeric matrix containing the values whose trimmed and/or weighted mean is to be computed. Each column is treated independently. } \item{y}{ a vector describing the discrete groups used to divide the elements of x. If y is missing then all elements of x are handled together. } \item{w}{ a matrix of weights the same dimensions as x giving the weights to use for each element of x. If w is missing then all elements of x are given the same weight. } \item{\dots}{ Arguments to be passed to methods (see \code{\link{combineData-methods}}): \describe{ \item{\option{trim}}{the fraction (0 to 0.5, default is 0) of observations to be trimmed from each group of rows in \code{x} according to \code{y}. } \item{\option{na.rm}}{logical; if \option{TRUE}, missing values are removed from \code{x} and \code{y} and \code{z}. If \option{FALSE} any missing values cause an error.} \item{\option{element}}{ which element of \code{AssayData} to use for a given \code{ExpressionSet} input (default is \option{"exprs"}) } \item{\option{feature.group}}{ which element of \code{featureData} to use as binning variable (default is \code{NULL}). Can be a character matching \code{varLabel} or simply an integer indicating which feature to choose. See \code{\link{getFeatures}}. } \item{\option{element.weight}}{ which element of \code{AssayData} to use for a given \code{ExpressionSet} input. If \code{NULL} (default), weighting is not performed. } \item{\option{feature.weight}}{ which element of \code{featureData} to use as weighting variable (default is \code{NULL}). Can be a character matching \code{varLabel} or simply an integer indicating which feature to choose. See \code{\link{getFeatures}}. } \item{\option{samples}}{ which samples to use as data. Can be a vector of characters matching sample names, integers indicating which samples to choose, or a mixture of the two. If \option{NULL} (default), all samples will be used.} \item{\option{\dots}}{ other arguments not handled at this time.} } } } \value{ Returns a matrix of combined numerical data, where each row represents the summary of a group of elements from the corresponding column in x. } \author{ Reid F. Thompson (\email{rthompso@aecom.yu.edu}) } \note{ Each column in data matrix treated separately.} \seealso{ \code{\link{combineData-methods}}, \code{\link{mean}}, \code{\link{weighted.mean}} } \examples{ #demo(pipeline,package="HELP") x <- 1:100 combineData(x,w=x/100) weighted.mean(x,w=x/100) y <- sample(c("a","b","c",1:3),size=100,replace=TRUE) combineData(cbind(x,x,2*x),y,trim=0.5) #rm(x,y) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ arith }