\name{CreateScoreMatrix} \alias{CreateScoreMatrix} \title{Create score matrix} \description{ Create a score matrix from two lookup vectors. } \usage{ CreateScoreMatrix(lookupX, lookupY) } \arguments{ \item{lookupX}{x lookup vector} \item{lookupY}{y lookup vector} } \value{ The return value is a matrix of link scores. } \details{ This function creates a very simple score matrix containing the product of lookup table values for each row and column as its elements. This can be used for testing purposes. } \examples{ lookupLink <- 0.1*(-10:10) CreateScoreMatrix(lookupLink, lookupLink) } \author{Joern P. Meier, Michal Kolar, Ville Mustonen, Michael Laessig, and Johannes Berg} \keyword{misc}