\name{cellcycle} \alias{ccCM} \alias{nNamescc} \docType{data} \title{Cell-Cycle Cluster Matrix} \description{ An adjacency matrix in which } \usage{data(ccCM)} \format{ \code{ccCM} is a symmetric matrix with 2885 columns and 2885 rows. \code{nNamescc} is a vector of 2885 gene names. } \details{ Cho, et al. discuss the k means clustering of 2885 Saccharomyces genes into 30 clusters with measurements taken over two synchronized cell cycles. \code{nNamescc} is a vector of the 2885 gene names. \code{ccCM} is an adjacency matrix in which a "1" in the ith row and jth column indicates that gene i and gene j belong to the same cluster. All other entries are 0. These data are integrated with phenotypic data and GO data in Balasubramanian, et al (2004). } \source{ Balasubramanian R, LaFramboise T, Scholtens D, Gentleman R. (2004) A graph theoretic approach to integromics - integrating disparate sources of functional genomics data } \references{ Cho, et al. (1998) A genome-wide transcriptional analysis of the mitotic cell cycle. Molecular Cell, 2, 65-73. Tavazoie, et al. (1999) Systematic determination of genetic network architecture. Nature Genetics, 22, 281-285. } \examples{ data(ccCM) } \keyword{datasets}