\name{causton} \alias{causton} \docType{data} \title{Yeast mRNA Expression Data} \description{ This data set contains mRNA expression from a microarray experiment involving yeast grown under a variety of altered environments (e.g. acid, heat, sorbitol, etc.) } \usage{data(causton)} \format{A matrix whose rows are the 6015 genes and whose columns are the 45 experimental conditions.} \source{\url{http://web.wi.mit.edu/young/environment}} \references{Causton, H. C. et al. 2001 ``Remodeling of Yeast Genome Expression in Response to Environmental Changes.'' Molecular Biology of the Cell \bold{12}, 323--337. } \examples{ data(causton) ## Find the 3000 most variable genes, according to sd/mean: varMeas<-function(vec) sd(vec)/mean(vec) variability<-apply(causton,1,varMeas) rks<-rank(variability) causton3000<-causton[rks>length(rownames(causton))-3000,] } \keyword{datasets}