\name{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC} \alias{supportedUCSCtables} \alias{getChromInfoFromUCSC} \alias{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC} \title{ Making a TranscriptDb object from annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser } \description{ The \code{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC} function allows the user to make a \link{TranscriptDb} object from transcript annotations available at the UCSC Genome Browser. } \usage{ supportedUCSCtables() getChromInfoFromUCSC( genome, goldenPath_url="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath") makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC( genome="hg18", tablename="knownGene", transcript_ids=NULL, circ_seqs=DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS, url="http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/", goldenPath_url="http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath", miRBaseBuild = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{genome}{genome abbreviation used by UCSC and obtained by \code{\link[rtracklayer]{ucscGenomes}()[ , "db"]}. For example: \code{"hg18"}.} \item{tablename}{name of the UCSC table containing the transcript annotations to retrieve. Use the \code{supportedUCSCtables} utility function to get the list of supported tables. Note that not all tables are available for all genomes.} \item{transcript_ids}{optionally, only retrieve transcript annotation data for the specified set of transcript ids. If this is used, then the meta information displayed for the resulting \link{TranscriptDb} object will say 'Full dataset: no'. Otherwise it will say 'Full dataset: yes'.} \item{circ_seqs}{a character vector to list out which chromosomes should be marked as circular.} \item{url,goldenPath_url}{use to specify the location of an alternate UCSC Genome Browser.} \item{miRBaseBuild}{specify the string for the appropriate build Information from mirbase.db to use for microRNAs. This can be learned by calling \code{supportedMiRBaseBuildValues}. By default, this value will be NULL, which will inactivate the \code{microRNAs} accessor.} } \details{ \code{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC} is a convenience function that feeds data from the UCSC source to the lower level \code{\link{makeTranscriptDb}} function. See \code{?\link{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart}} for a similar function that feeds data from a BioMart database. } \value{A \link{TranscriptDb} object.} \author{ M. Carlson and H. Pages } \seealso{ \code{\link[rtracklayer]{ucscGenomes}}, \code{\link{DEFAULT_CIRC_SEQS}}, \code{\link{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart}}, \code{\link{makeTranscriptDb}} \code{\link{supportedMiRBaseBuildValues}} } \examples{ ## Display the list of genomes available at UCSC: library(rtracklayer) ucscGenomes()[ , "db"] ## Display the list of tables supported by makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(): supportedUCSCtables() \dontrun{ ## Retrieving a full transcript dataset for Yeast from UCSC: txdb1 <- makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(genome="sacCer2", tablename="ensGene") } ## Retrieving an incomplete transcript dataset for Mouse from UCSC ## (only transcripts linked to Entrez Gene ID 22290): transcript_ids <- c( "uc009uzf.1", "uc009uzg.1", "uc009uzh.1", "uc009uzi.1", "uc009uzj.1" ) txdb2 <- makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC(genome="mm9", tablename="knownGene", transcript_ids=transcript_ids) txdb2 }