\name{makeTranscriptDb} \alias{makeTranscriptDb} \title{ Making a TranscriptDb object from user supplied annotations } \description{ \code{makeTranscriptDb} is a low-level constructor for making a \link{TranscriptDb} object from user supplied transcript annotations. See \code{?\link{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC}} and \code{?\link{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart}} for higher-level functions that feed data from the UCSC or BioMart sources to \code{makeTranscriptDb}. } \usage{ makeTranscriptDb(transcripts, splicings, genes=NULL, chrominfo=NULL, metadata=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{transcripts}{data frame containing the genomic locations of a set of transcripts} \item{splicings}{data frame containing the exon and cds locations of a set of transcripts} \item{genes}{data frame containing the genes associated to a set of transcripts} \item{chrominfo}{data frame containing information about the chromosomes hosting the set of transcripts} \item{metadata}{2-column data frame containing meta information about this set of transcripts like species, organism, genome, UCSC table, etc... The names of the columns must be \code{"name"} and \code{"value"} and their type must be character.} \item{...}{ignored for now} } \details{ The \code{transcripts} (required), \code{splicings} (required) and \code{genes} (optional) arguments must be data frames that describe a set of transcripts and the genomic features related to them (exons, cds and genes at the moment). The \code{chrominfo} (optional) argument must be a data frame containing chromosome information like the length of each chromosome. \code{transcripts} must have 1 row per transcript and the following columns: \itemize{ \item \code{tx_id}: Transcript ID. Integer vector. No NAs. No duplicates. \item \code{tx_name}: [optional] Transcript name. Character vector (or factor). \item \code{tx_chrom}: Transcript chromosome. Character vector (or factor) with no NAs. \item \code{tx_strand}: Transcript strand. Character vector (or factor) where each element is either \code{"+"} or \code{"-"}. \item \code{tx_start}, \code{tx_end}: Transcript start and end. Integer vectors with no NAs. } Other columns, if any, are ignored (with a warning). \code{splicings} must have N rows per transcript, where N is the nb of exons in the transcript. Each row describes an exon plus, optionally, the cds contained in this exon. Its columns must be: \itemize{ \item \code{tx_id}: Foreign key that links each row in the \code{splicings} data frame to a unique row in the \code{transcripts} data frame. Note that more than 1 row in \code{splicings} can be linked to the same row in \code{transcripts} (many-to-one relationship). Same type as \code{transcripts$tx_id} (integer vector). No NAs. All the values in this column must be present in \code{transcripts$tx_id}. \item \code{exon_rank}: The rank of the exon in the transcript. Integer vector with no NAs. (\code{tx_id}, \code{exon_rank}) pairs must be unique. \item \code{exon_id}: [optional] Exon ID. Integer vector with no NAs. \item \code{exon_name}: [optional] Exon name. Character vector (or factor). \item \code{exon_chrom}: [optional] Exon chromosome. Character vector (or factor) with no NAs. If missing then \code{transcripts$tx_chrom} is used. If present then \code{exon_strand} must be present too. \item \code{exon_strand}: [optional] Exon strand. Character vector (or factor) with no NAs. If missing then \code{transcripts$tx_strand} is used and \code{exon_chrom} must be missing too. \item \code{exon_start}, \code{exon_end}: Exon start and end. Integer vectors with no NAs. \item \code{cds_id}: [optional] cds ID. Integer vector. If present then \code{cds_start} and \code{cds_end} must be too. NAs are allowed and must match NAs in \code{cds_start} and \code{cds_end}. \item \code{cds_name}: [optional] cds name. Character vector (or factor). If present then \code{cds_start} and \code{cds_end} must be too. NAs are allowed and must match NAs in \code{cds_start} and \code{cds_end}. \item \code{cds_start}, \code{cds_end}: [optional] cds start and end. Integer vectors. If one of the 2 columns is missing then all \code{cds_*} columns must be missing. NAs are allowed and must occur at the same positions in \code{cds_start} and \code{cds_end}. } Other columns, if any, are ignored (with a warning). \code{genes} must have N rows per transcript, where N is the nb of genes linked to the transcript (N will be 1 most of the time). Its columns must be: \itemize{ \item \code{tx_id}: [optional] \code{genes} must have either a \code{tx_id} or a \code{tx_name} column but not both. Like \code{splicings$tx_id}, this is a foreign key that links each row in the \code{genes} data frame to a unique row in the \code{transcripts} data frame. \item \code{tx_name}: [optional] Can be used as an alternative to the \code{genes$tx_id} foreign key. \item \code{gene_id}: Gene ID. Character vector (or factor). No NAs. } Other columns, if any, are ignored (with a warning). \code{chrominfo} must have 1 row per chromosome and the following columns: \itemize{ \item \code{chrom}: Chromosome name. Character vector (or factor) with no NAs. \item \code{length}: Chromosome length. Either all NAs or an integer vector with no NAs. \item \code{is_circular}: [optional] Chromosome circularity flag. Either all NAs or a logical vector with no NAs. } Other columns, if any, are ignored (with a warning). } \value{A \link{TranscriptDb} object.} \author{ H. Pages } \seealso{ \code{\link{TranscriptDb}}, \code{\link{makeTranscriptDbFromUCSC}}, \code{\link{makeTranscriptDbFromBiomart}} } \examples{ transcripts <- data.frame( tx_id=1:3, tx_chrom="chr1", tx_strand=c("-", "+", "+"), tx_start=c(1, 2001, 2001), tx_end=c(999, 2199, 2199)) splicings <- data.frame( tx_id=c(1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L), exon_rank=c(1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2), exon_start=c(1, 2001, 2101, 2131, 2001, 2131), exon_end=c(999, 2085, 2144, 2199, 2085, 2199), cds_start=c(1, 2022, 2101, 2131, NA, NA), cds_end=c(999, 2085, 2144, 2193, NA, NA)) txdb <- makeTranscriptDb(transcripts, splicings) }