% removeIndividual.Rd %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % What: Remove individual from pedigree % $Id: removeIndividual.Rd 1092 2006-11-12 12:28:38Z ggorjan $ % Time-stamp: <2007-04-19 02:36:13 ggorjan> %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \name{removeIndividual} \alias{removeIndividual} \title{Remove individual from pedigree} \description{ \code{removeIndividual} provides utility for removing individuals from a pedigree. } \usage{removeIndividual(x, individual, remove="all")} \arguments{ \item{x}{pedigree} \item{individual}{vector of individuals} \item{remove}{character, column names of id columns and/or "all", see details} } \details{ Individuals passed to argument \code{individual} will be removed from the pedigree. If there is a pedigree with individual "id" and two ascendants, say "father" and "mother", then one can pass any combination of these three id columns or "all" for all of them in short to argument \code{remove}. In case only "id" is passed to \code{remove}, individuals will be removed from the pedigree, but not from ascendant id columns, which might be a matter of interest only if specified individuals show up as ascendants for some other individuals. In case you want to remove an individual completely from the pedigree "all" must be used. Individuals in id column are removed via removal of the whole record from the pedigree. Individuals in ascendant id columns are only replaced by \code{attr(x, "unknown")}. If founder is removed, attribute extended status is changed to FALSE. } \author{Gregor Gorjanc} \seealso{\code{\link{Pedigree}}} \examples{ ped <- generatePedigree(3) summary(ped) removeIndividual(ped, individual=c(1, 3, 4), remove="father") removeIndividual(ped, individual=c(1, 3, 4), remove=c("mother", "father")) (ped <- removeIndividual(ped, individual=c(1, 3, 4), remove=c("all"))) summary(ped) } \keyword{misc} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % removeIndividual.Rd ends here