% nIndividual.Rd %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % What: Number of individuals in a pedigree % $Id: nIndividual.Rd 1092 2006-11-12 12:28:38Z ggorjan $ % Time-stamp: <2007-04-19 02:40:49 ggorjan> %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \name{nIndividual} \alias{nIndividual} \title{Number of individuals in a pedigree} \description{ \code{nIndividual} returns number of individuals (individuals and/or ascendants) in a pedigree object. } \usage{nIndividual(x, col=NULL, extend=TRUE, drop=TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{x}{pedigree} \item{col}{character, which id column should be the source: "id" (default) or particular ascendant i.e. "father" and "mother"} \item{extend}{logical, extend pedigree} \item{drop}{logical, drop unused levels in case factors are used} } \details{ FIXME - this will change a lot!!!! There is always one additional level in levels in case factors are used to represent individuals in a pedigree as described in \code{\link{Pedigree}}. However, \code{nlevels.Pedigree} prints out the number of levels actually used to represent individuals i.e. level unknown is not included into the result. } \author{Gregor Gorjanc} \seealso{\code{summary.Pedigree}, \code{extend}} \examples{ # Deafult example ped <- generatePedigree(5) nIndividual(ped) # Other id columns nIndividual(ped, col="father") nIndividual(ped, col="mother") # Remove individuals with unknown fathers - FIXME # ped <- ped[!is.na(ped, col="father"), ] # nIndividual(ped) # nIndividual(ped, extend=FALSE) } \keyword{misc} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % nIndividual.Rd ends here