% founder.Rd %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % What: Founder and non-founder individuals in the pedigree % $Id: founder.Rd 1097 2006-11-14 06:10:43Z ggorjan $ % Time-stamp: <2006-10-09 17:13:05 ggorjan> %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \name{isFounder} \alias{isFounder} \concept{founders} \concept{base indiviual} \title{Founder and non-founder individuals in the pedigree} \description{ \code{isFounder} classifies individuals in the pedigree as founders (base) or non-founders (non-base individuals). } \usage{ isFounder(x, col=attr(x, ".ascendant")) } \arguments{ \item{x}{pedigree object} \item{col}{character, which columns should be checked, see examples} } \details{ By definition founders do not have any known ascendants, while the opossite is the case for non-founders i.e. they have at least one known ascendant. FIXME: any relation with founderGeneSet in GeneticsBase } \value{Boolean vector.} \author{Gregor Gorjanc} \seealso{\code{\link{Pedigree}}} \examples{ ped <- generatePedigree(nId=5) isFounder(ped) ## Based only on fathers isFounder(ped, col=c("father")) ## Works also only on a part of a pedigree isFounder(ped[1:5, ]) } \keyword{misc} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % founder.Rd ends here