% extend.Rd %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % What: Extend pedigree man page % $Id: extend.Rd 1092 2006-11-12 12:28:38Z ggorjan $ % Time-stamp: <2007-04-19 02:37:55 ggorjan> %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- \name{extend} \alias{extend} \title{Extend pedigree} \description{\code{extend} finds ascendants, which do not appear as individuals in pedigree and assigns them as individuals with unknown ascendants in extended pedigree. } \usage{extend(x, ascendant=NULL, col=NULL, top=TRUE)} \arguments{ \item{x}{pedigree object} \item{ascendant}{character, column names of ascendant(s), see details} \item{col}{character, column name(s) of attribute(s), see details} \item{top}{logical, add ascendants as individuals on the top or bottom of the pedigree} } \details{ Argument \code{ascendant} can be used to define, which ascendants will be extended. If \code{ascendant=NULL}, which is the default, all ascendant columns in the pedigree are used. The same approach is used with other pedigree attributes such as sex, generation, etc. with argument \code{col}. Use \code{col=NA}, if none of the pedigree attributes should be extended. Sex of \dQuote{new} individuals is infered from attribute \code{ascendantSex} as used in \code{Pedigree} function. Generation of \dQuote{new} individuals is infered as minimal (\code{generationOrder="increasing"}) or maximal (\code{generationOrder="decreasing"}) generation value in descendants - 1. See \code{\link{Pedigree}} on this issue. Family values are extended with means of \code{\link{family}}. } \value{ Extended pedigree, where all ascendants also appear as individuals with unknown ascendants and infered other attributes such as sex, generation, etc. if this attributes are in the pedigree. } \author{Gregor Gorjanc} \seealso{\code{\link{Pedigree}}, \code{\link{family}}, geneticGroups???} \examples{ # --- Toy example --- ped <- generatePedigree(nId=5, nGeneration=4, nFather=1, nMother=2) ped <- ped[10:20,] ped[5, "father"] <- NA # to test robustnes of extend on NA extend(ped) extend(ped, top=FALSE) ## Extend only ascendant and their generation extend(ped, col="generation") extend(ped, col=c("generation", "sex")) # --- Bigger example --- ped <- generatePedigree(nId=1000, nGeneration=10, nFather=100, nMother=500) nrow(ped) # Now keep some random individuals ped <- ped[unique(sort(round(runif(n=nrow(ped)/2, min=1, max=nrow(ped))))), ] nrow(ped) nrow(extend(ped)) } \keyword{manip} \keyword{misc} %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % extend.Rd ends here