\name{GeneGrps2AffyGrpsFun} \alias{GeneGrps2AffyGrpsFun} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function that translates GO hierarchical tree of gene symbols to a groups of Affymetrix identifiers of interest. } \description{ This function converts GO hierarchical trees of gene symbols to groups of their associated Affymetrix identifiers. } \usage{ GeneGrps2AffyGrpsFun(GO.group, level, gene.u.name, affy.max.indexes) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{GO.group}{ The GO ontology that is of interest to consider in the analysis. ("BP","MF","CC") } \item{level}{ Depth of the GO hierarchical tree of the ontology chosen. Level can only be an integer between 3 and 10. } \item{gene.u.name}{ An \code{\link[GeneGroupAnalysis]{ArrayInfoFun}} item containing in a vector the unique gene symbols considered on the data set of interest. } \item{affy.max.indexes}{ A \code{\link[GeneGroupAnalysis]{GeneMaxVarFun}} item consisting of the vector with the Affymetrix identifiers associated to the genes that had the maximum variability across phenotypes. } } %%\details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ %%} \value{ This function returns a list containing the following results: %% If it is a LIST, use \item{index.GO.grps}{List of row number groups for their associated gene symbols.} \item{gene.GO.grps}{List of gene symbol groups for their associated GO functional class.} \item{GO.grps}{List of GO functional classes and their associated children functional classes.} } %%\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %%} \author{ A. Quiroz-Zarate and John Quackenbush. } %\note{ % %} \seealso{ See the \code{GeneGroupAnalysis} Vignette for examples on how to use this function and the help of the function \code{\link[GeneGroupAnalysis]{GibbsAllFun.ts}} for a detailed example of its use. } \examples{ #- For an example on the use of this function go to: #- GibbsAllFun.ts } %% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the %% R documentation directory. %%\keyword{ ~kwd1 } %%\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line