\name{quickenrichmentscore} \alias{quickenrichmentscore} \title{Compute the Enrichment Score. } \description{Use Gene Set Enrichmentscore Analysis (GSEA) method to compute the Enrichment Score among PRLs . } \usage{ quickenrichmentscore(S, S1, List) } \arguments{ \item{S}{optimal signature,the up-regulated genes of a PRL A } \item{S1}{optimal signature, the down-regulated genes of a PRL A } \item{List}{a PRL which distances from A (whose optimal signature is S and S1) will be computed. } } \details{Once gene signature is given, we computed the GSEA enrichment score between ranked list A and B based on the gene signature of A, and vice versa. The average value of this two enrichment scores is used to quantify the distance between A and B. } \references{Subramanian. (2005) \emph{Gene set enrichment analysis: a knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles.} } \seealso{\code{\link{distances}}, \code{\link{integratePRL}} }