\name{FootruleMatrix} \alias{FootruleMatrix} \title{Create a footrule-matrix } \description{Compute distances between any two ranked lists with the same length, and create a n-n matrix, where n is the length of the ranked lists. } \usage{ FootruleMatrix(Rankings, n) } \arguments{ \item{Rankings}{a numeric matrix or a data.frame to be computed } \item{n}{a number, a non zero value n means a normalized results matrix should be returned. } } \details{This function uses \code{\link{SMfootrule}} to compute any two ranked lists in the first argument, a column represents a ranked list in the first argument. n is used to indicate whether the distance matrix is normalized. } \value{This function returns a n-n numberic matrix as a distance matrix, where n is the number of column of the first argument. And the m-n elements in the result should be equal to the n-m elements in the result. } \seealso{\code{\link{SMfootrule}}, \code{\link{findclosestrank}} }