\name{computeGeneSetsOverlap} \alias{computeGeneSetsOverlap} \alias{computeGeneSetsOverlap,list,character-method} \alias{computeGeneSetsOverlap,list,ExpressionSet-method} \alias{computeGeneSetsOverlap,GeneSetCollection,character-method} \alias{computeGeneSetsOverlap,GeneSetCollection,ExpressionSet-method} \title{ Compute gene-sets overlap } \description{ Calculates the overlap among every pair of gene-sets given as input. } \usage{ \S4method{computeGeneSetsOverlap}{list,character}(gSets, uniqGenes, min.sz=1, max.sz=Inf) \S4method{computeGeneSetsOverlap}{list,ExpressionSet}(gSets, uniqGenes, min.sz=1, max.sz=Inf) \S4method{computeGeneSetsOverlap}{GeneSetCollection,character}(gSets, uniqGenes, min.sz=1, max.sz=Inf) \S4method{computeGeneSetsOverlap}{GeneSetCollection,ExpressionSet}(gSets, uniqGenes, min.sz=1, max.sz=Inf) } \arguments{ \item{gSets}{Gene sets given either as a \code{list} or a \code{GeneSetCollection} object.} \item{uniqGenes}{Vector of unique genes to be considered when calculating the overlaps.} \item{min.sz}{Minimum size.} \item{max.sz}{Maximum size.} } \details{ This function calculates the overlap between every pair of gene sets of the input argument \code{gSets}. Before this calculation takes place, the gene sets in \code{gSets} are firstly filtered to discard genes that do not match to the identifiers in \code{uniqGenes}. Secondly, they are further filtered to meet the minimum and/or maximum size specified with the arguments \code{min.sz} and \code{max.sz}. The overlap between two gene sets is calculated as the number of common genes between the two gene sets divided by the smallest size of the two gene sets. } \value{ A gene-set by gene-set matrix of the overlap among every pair of gene sets. } \references{ H\"anzelmann, S., Castelo, R. and Guinney, J. GSVA: Gene Set Variation Analysis, \emph{submitted} } \author{J. Guinney} \seealso{ \code{\link{filterGeneSets}} } \examples{ geneSets <- list(set1=as.character(1:4), set2=as.character(4:10)) computeGeneSetsOverlap(geneSets, unique(unlist(geneSets))) } \keyword{Gene set}