\name{sortGsri} \docType{methods} \alias{sortGsri} \alias{sortGsri-methods} \alias{sortGsri,Gsri-method} \title{ Sort GSRI results } \description{ Sort the results of an \code{Gsri} object. } \usage{ sortGsri(x, names, decreasing=TRUE, na.last=NA, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Object of class \code{Gsri} whose results to sort.} \item{names}{Columns along which the results of \code{x} should be sorted, eighter a character vector with the names of the columns or an integer vector with the index of the columns. If the vector has several elements, sorting is performed along all of them, starting with the first and using subsequent ones to break existing ties. If names is not specified the results are sorted according to \code{pRegGenes}.} \item{decreasing}{Logical indicating whether the sorting should be in decreasing (default) or ascending order, see \code{sort}.} \item{na.last}{How \code{NA} values in the results should be treated, see \code{sort}.} \item{...}{Additional arguments, currently not used.} } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{ \code{signature(x="Gsri", names="ANY")} }{} } } \value{ An object of class \code{Gsri}, with sorted slots \code{result} and \code{cdf}. } \author{ Julian Gehring Maintainer: Julian Gehring } \seealso{ Package: \code{\link[GSRI]{GSRI-package}} Class: \code{\linkS4class{Gsri}} Methods: \code{\link[GSRI]{gsri}} \code{\link[GSRI]{getGsri}} \code{\link[GSRI]{getCdf}} \code{\link[GSRI]{getParms}} \code{\link[GSRI]{export}} \code{\link[GSRI]{sortGsri}} \code{\link[GSRI]{plot}} \code{\link[GSRI]{show}} \code{\link[GSRI]{summary}} \code{\link[GSRI]{readCls}} \code{\link[GSRI]{readGct}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ sortGsri(object, c("pRegGenes", "nGenes")) sortGsri(object, c(1, 5)) } } \keyword{utils}