\name{plot-methods} \docType{methods} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,Gsri,ANY-method} \alias{plot,Gsri,integer-method} \title{ Visualize GSRI results } \description{ Plot the empirical cumulative density along with the estimated degree of regulation of the p-value distribution for a gene set. } \usage{ plot(x, y, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An object of class \code{Gsri} containing the results to plot.} \item{y}{A single integer or character string specifying the results of which gene set to plot. This has to be given if \code{x} contains the results of several gene sets. An integer is interpreted as the index of the gene set (i.e. the row number), while a character is matched against the names of the gene sets.} \item{...}{Optional arguments used in order to customize the plot. See the \sQuote{details} section.} } \details{ Plotting the p-value distribution and the estimation of the regularized compontent for a gene set allows to insepct the results in detail. The plot illustrates the empirical cumulative density function of the p-values obtained from testing for a differential effect between the groups. Additionally, the fit of the uniformly distributed component along with the estimated fraction of regularized genes and the GSRI is shown. The \code{plot} method uses a special system in order to customize the graphical elements of the figure. It allows to refer to the different components with the name of the additional input argument; its value is a list containing named graphical parameters for the underlying plot function. The following list describes the possible names and their contribution. \describe{ \item{\code{plot}}{Arguments for the axis and the labeling, passed to the \code{plot} function.} \item{\code{fit}}{Arguments for the fit of the linear component of the ECDF, corresponding to the part without differential effect, passed to the \code{lines} function.} \item{\code{ecdf}}{Arguments for the ECDF of the p-values, passed to the \code{lines} function.} \item{\code{reg}}{Arguments for the horizontal line indicating the fraction of regulation, passed to the \code{lines} function.} \item{\code{regText}}{Arguments for the text label of \code{reg}, passed to the \code{text} function.} \item{\code{gsri}}{Arguments for the horizontal line indicating the GSRI, passed to the \code{lines} function.} \item{\code{gsriText}}{Arguments for the text label of \code{gsri}, passed to the \code{text} function.} } Thus, changing for example the limit of the y-axis, the plot type and color of the ECDF, and the label of the x-axis, you can use: \code{plot(x, plot=list(ylim=c(0, 0.8), xlab=expression(p)), ecdf=list(type="s", col="darkgreen"))} For more details, please see the \sQuote{examples} section. } \author{ Julian Gehring Maintainer: Julian Gehring } \seealso{ Package: \code{\link[GSRI]{GSRI-package}} Class: \code{\linkS4class{Gsri}} Methods: \code{\link[GSRI]{gsri}} \code{\link[GSRI]{getGsri}} \code{\link[GSRI]{getCdf}} \code{\link[GSRI]{getParms}} \code{\link[GSRI]{export}} \code{\link[GSRI]{sortGsri}} \code{\link[GSRI]{plot}} \code{\link[GSRI]{show}} \code{\link[GSRI]{summary}} \code{\link[GSRI]{readCls}} \code{\link[GSRI]{readGct}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ plot(x) plot(x, plot=list(main="Example plot"), ecdf=list(pch=21), fit=list(lty=2, lwd=0.5, col="black"), gsri=list(col="lightblue")) plot(x2, 2) plot(x2, "gs2") } } \keyword{utilities} \keyword{methods} \keyword{hplot}