\name{NonLinearNet} \alias{NonLinearNet} \title{Dynamic Bayesian Network Inference Using Non-Linear Interactions} \description{ Run Bayesian inference of non-linear interaction network. Non linear interactions are modelled using Penalised Splines. The function generates MCMC chains that can later be analysed. } \usage{ NonLinearNet( resultsFolder, timeSeries, ParamVec = NULL, chains = 2, user.seeds = NULL, Regulators = NULL, fixMe = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{resultsFolder}{Name of output folder. The folder will be created and the output of the run will be placed there.} \item{timeSeries}{Data matrix containing gene expression time series. Where genes will be placed in rows and time points in columns. Gene names may be included as row names.} \item{ParamVec}{A parameter vector created using "mcmc.defaultParams_nonLinear". If none is given, default parameters will be used. The vector contains parameters associated to the priors as well as MCMC run length. (See mcmc.defaultParams_nonLinear)} \item{chains}{Number of MCMC chains to run.} \item{user.seeds}{An optional vector with seeds to use for MCMC chains.} \item{Regulators}{An optional vector with the indices of which genes are regulators. If provided, all non-regulator genes will not be allowed to regulate.} \item{fixMe}{An optional matrix of size genes x genes, where columns represent regulators and rows regulated genes. The matrix informs the model of network connections known to be present/absent. For each position use either 0 (no regulation, fix off), 1 (known regulatory interaction, fix on) or NaN (no information, do not fix).} } \value{ For each chain run, a folder (chain1, chain2, ...) will be created and the output of the MCMC run will be placed there. The files will be Gamma_mcmc (the indicator variables of Gibbs variable selection), Lambda_mcmc (the precision of each regression), Mu_mcmc (the intercept of each regression), Rho_mcmc (the network connectivity parameter), Tau_mcmc (the "smoothness parameter"), all_f (posterior mean of all functions), all_f_sqr (posterior mean of the square of all functions) and Full_F_sqr (posterior mean of the square of the sum of all functions, for each regression). For the files all_f and all_f_sqr functions are placed in column-wise order. The file is filled by placing all interactions for each regression one after another. } \references{ Morrissey, E.R., Juarez, M.A., Denby, K.J. and Burroughs, N.J. 2011 Inferring the time-invariant topology of a nonlinear sparse gene regulatory network using fully Bayesian spline autoregression Biostatistics 2011; doi: 10.1093/biostatistics/kxr009 } \seealso{ \code{\link{mcmc.defaultParams_nonLinear}, \link{analyse.output}}. } \keyword{NonLinearNet} \examples{ # Synthetic data data(Athaliana_ODE) # Reduced data set to 3 genes 20 TP for faster run Athaliana_ODE.reduced <- Athaliana_ODE[c(1,3,5),1:20] # Folder where raw runs will be kept and later analysed output.folder <- paste(tempdir(), "/ExampleNonLinearNet", sep = "") # Run network inference and place raw results in output.folder NonLinearNet(output.folder , Athaliana_ODE.reduced) # Analyse raw results, place analysis plots and files in output.folder analyse.output(output.folder, Athaliana_ODE.reduced) }