\name{Athaliana_ODE} \alias{Athaliana_ODE} \docType{data} \title{Gene expression time series generated with ODE model} \description{ This data set was generated using a circadian clock regulatory network ODE model. The data was simulated using COPASI, subsampled to produce hourly data and after this the log was calculated. } \usage{data(Athaliana_ODE)} \format{A matrix containing genes in rows and (1h) time points in columns.} \references{ Hoops, S., Sahle, S., Gauges, R., Lee, C., Pahle, J., Simus, N., Singhal, M., Xu, L., Mendes, P. and Kummer, U. (2006) COPASI a COmplex PAthway SImulator. Bioinformatics, 22, 3067-3074. Locke, J.C.W., Kozma-Bognar, L., Gould, P.D., Feher, B., Kevei, E., Nagy, F., Turner, M.S., Hall, A. and Millar, A.J. (2006) Experimental validation of a predicted feedback loop in the multi-oscillator clock of Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Systems Biology } \keyword{datasets}