\name{transScores} \alias{transScores} \alias{mtransScores} \alias{tr1_obs} \alias{tr1_perm} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ obtain the top trans associations for each SNP in an smlSet } \description{ obtain the top trans associations for each SNP in an smlSet } \usage{ transScores(smpack, snpchr = "chr1", rhs, K = 20, targdirpref = "tsco", geneApply = lapply, chrnames = paste("chr", as.character(1:22), sep = ""), geneRanges = NULL, snpRanges = NULL, radius = 2e+06, renameChrs = NULL, probesToKeep = NULL, batchsize = 200, genegran = 50, shortfac = 10, wrapperEndo = NULL, geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db", snpannopk = "SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP.20110815", gchrpref = "", schrpref = "ch") mtransScores (smpackvec, snpchr = "chr1", rhslist, K = 20, targdirpref = "multtsco", geneApply = lapply, chrnames = paste("chr", as.character(1:22), sep=""), geneRanges = NULL, snpRanges = NULL, radius = 2e+06, renameChrs=NULL, batchsize=200, genegran=50, probesToKeep=NULL, shortfac=10, wrapperEndo=NULL) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{smpack}{ name of package holding eset.rda providing 'ex' ExpressionSet when loaded, and holding SnpMatrix instances in inst/parts } \item{smpackvec}{ vector of names of package holding eset.rda providing 'ex' ExpressionSet when loaded, and holding SnpMatrix instances in inst/parts } \item{snpchr}{ name or vector of chromosome names of SNPs of interest } \item{rhs}{ right hand side of snp.rhs.tests model for which expression is left hand side, e.g., covariates other than genotype } \item{rhslist}{ list of right hand side of snp.rhs.tests model for which expression is left hand side, e.g., covariates other than genotype, one per element of \code{smpackvec} } \item{K}{ number of most highly associated features to be retained } \item{targdirpref}{ prefix of target folder name (passed to \code{\link{eqtlTests}} } \item{geneApply}{ passed to \code{\link{eqtlTests}} } \item{chrnames}{ names of chromosomes harboring genes that will be tested for association with genotype } \item{geneRanges}{ list of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} instances containing chromosomal coordinate defined regions occupied by genes, with regions partitioned by chromosomes, and list element names as given in \code{chrnames} above } \item{snpRanges}{ list of \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} instances with SNP addresses } \item{radius}{ radius within which an association is considered cis and therefore the corresponding test statistic is set to zero } \item{renameChrs}{ passed to \code{\link[GGBase]{getSS}} } \item{probesToKeep}{ passed to \code{\link[GGBase]{getSS}} } \item{batchsize}{ defines batch size for \code{\link[ff]{ffrowapply}} } \item{genegran}{ passed to \code{\link{eqtlTests}} } \item{shortfac}{ passed to \code{\link{eqtlTests}} } \item{wrapperEndo}{ a function accepting and returning an smlSet instance } \item{gchrpref}{ prefix to convert \code{chrnames} into appropriate tokens for obtaining gene metadata; in future this may need to be a string transformation function } \item{schrpref}{ prefix to convert \code{chrnames} into appropriate tokens for use with \code{getSNPlocs} for the SNP location information package identified in \code{snpannopack} parameter below } \item{geneannopk}{ character string naming a Bioconductor .db expression chip annotation package } \item{snpannopk}{ character string naming a Bioconductor SNPlocs.* SNP metadata package } } %\details{ %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~ %} \value{ a list with elements \item{scores}{an S by K ff matrix where S is number of SNPs, K is number of best features to be retained, with element s,k the kth largest score statistic among association tests computed for SNP s} \item{inds}{an S by K ff matrix with s,k element telling which element of guniv (see below) is the gene giving the kth largest score statistic for association} \item{guniv}{the vector of gene identifiers defining the universe of genes tested} \item{snpnames}{vector of SNP identifiers} \item{call}{the call used to create the result} } %\references{ %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ %} \author{ VJ Carey } %\note{ % %} %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ %\seealso{ %% ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ %} \examples{ \dontrun{ library(GGdata) # need to define the geneRanges and snpRanges ... transScores("GGdata", "20", renameChrs="chr20", chrnames="chr21") } } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ models }