\name{geoConvert} \alias{geoConvert} \title{Cross-reference between GEO data types} \description{ A common task is to find all the GEO entities of one type associated with another GEO entity (eg., find all GEO samples associated with GEO platform 'GPL96'). This function provides a very fast mapping between entity types to facilitate queries of this type. } \usage{ geoConvert(in_list, out_type = c("gse", "gpl", "gsm", "gds", "smatrix"), sqlite_db_name = "GEOmetadb.sqlite") } \arguments{ \item{in_list}{Character vector of GEO entities to convert from.} \item{out_type}{Character vector of GEO entity types to which to convert.} \item{sqlite_db_name}{The filename of the GEOmetadb sqlite database file} } \value{ A list of data.frames. } \references{http://meltzerlab.nci.nih.gov/apps/geo, http://gbnci.abcc.ncifcrf.gov/geo/} \author{Jack Zhu } \examples{ if(file.exists("GEOmetadb.sqlite")) { geoConvert('GPL96',out_type='GSM') } else { print("Run getSQLiteFile() to get a copy of the GEOmetadb SQLite file and then rerun the example") } } \keyword{IO} \keyword{database}